Carbon Footprint Result Analysis

Carbon Footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases emission from the production, use and end of the life of products and services. Every individual has their own Carbon Footprint value i.e. amount of greenhouse gases generated by them, which can be calculated.

India's country-level social cost of carbon emission was estimated to be the highest at $86 per tonne of CO2. It means the Indian economy will lose $86 by emitting each additional tonne of CO2. India is followed by the US, where the economic damages would be $48 per tonne of CO2 emission.

It will take 6 trees to fix 1 tonne of CO2 emission.

To calculate your carbon footprint, you need to know:

  • Approximately how many miles you travel.
  • The vehicle which you use to travel.
  • The energy consumed by you.
  • Also the composition of your food.
  • You can contribute to save the environment by taking small step which can cause large impact on the environment.


Of the roughly 66,000 lbs CO2 emitted over the lifetime of an internal combustion engine car (assuming 93,000 miles driven), 84% come from the use phase.

Gasoline releases 19.6 pounds of CO2 per gallon when burned, compared to 22.4 pounds per gallon for diesel. However, diesel has 11% more BTU per gallon, which improves its fuel economy. The average passenger car emits 0.78 pounds of CO2 per mile driven.

  • By going carless for a year you could save about 2.6 tons of carbon dioxide emission. One can travel by train, bus or by bike.
  • But if you are traveling by car make sure that you:
  • Go easy on the gas and brakes
  • Go for regular service.
  • Check your tires whether it is pumped correctly.
  • Use less air conditioning and less intensive city driving.
  • Carpool - share your ride.
  • If you are buying new car check for the product, emission and smart way certification this smart choice can reduce the carbon Footprint.

In your plate:

Food accounts for 10-30% of a household’s carbon footprint, typically a higher portion in lower-income households. Production accounts for 68% of food emissions, while transportation accounts for 5%.

A vegetarian diet greatly reduces an individual’s carbon footprint, but switching to less carbon intensive meats can have a major impact as well. For example, beef's GHG emissions per kilogram are 7.2 times greater than those of chicken

There are simple solutions to prevent wastage of food.

  • Make a proper list which you want to buy before go for shopping so that you can avoid buying things which you don’t need.
  • Don't cook more than you eat.
  • Preserve the food by freezing it properly.
  • Reuse the leftover food instead of wasting it.
  • Finish the food before its expiry.
  • Skip the use of disposable plates and glasses as much as possible as it increase carbon Footprint, use washable plates and glasses and reuse it.

Use of home appliances:

Coal releases 2.2 pounds, petroleum releases 1.9 pounds, and natural gas releases 0.9 pounds. Nuclear, solar, wind, and hydroelectric release no CO2 when they produce electricity, but emissions are released during upstream production activities (e.g., solar cells, nuclear fuels, cement production).

  • When there is no use switch off your home appliances.
  • Buy a laptop not desktop as desktop consume more energy than laptop.
  • Use LED bulb as it saves up to 85% energy than normal tube light.
  • Look for energy star symbol when you buy for appliances.
  • Recycling the things:
  • Empty the container before putting the container into recycle bin as dirty container can spoil whole recyclables.
  • Recycle the paper.
  • Donate the working electronics.
  • Separate dry battery as it can be further used.
  • Don't put non-recyclables in the recycling bin.

Make your home energy efficient:

Residential electricity uses 666.5mmt CO2, 10% of the total. Refrigerators are one of the largest users of household appliance energy; in 2015, an average of 720.5lbs CO2e per household was due to refrigeration.

  • Switching to a cold water wash once per week, a household can reduce its GHG emissions by over 70lbs annually.
  • Seal your home well.
  • Insulate your home this will tell you whether your home needs re-insulation.
  • Install a cool roof- As it reflects the light radiation away from home and make it cool.
  • Plant shrubs and trees around your home.
  • Check the energy efficiency rating for your doors, windows and skylights.
  • In addition to these small changes in daily habits, here are some tips which make your contribution more valuable towards saving our mother earth.
  • Understand the science of climate change and make awake others as well.
  • Suggest the things, ideas to your friends, society that how they can reduce greenhouse gas production.



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