Public Health Office of VESCOP

The Public Health Office of VES College of Pharmacy is a student committee that serves the society. The committee aims to promote awareness about the importance of blood donation, significance of hygiene and educating individuals on various health diseases. PHO has been successfully conducting many blood donation camps and health campaigns.

Last year, PHO actively volunteered for 4 blood drives collaborating with JJ Mahanagar blood bank and Pallavi blood bank. The volunteers enthusiastically encouraged people to donate the blood and stressed on its benefits. On 1st December, 2019 which is observed as AIDS day, PHO volunteers focused on spreading awareness regarding the causes, symptoms, prevention and information on government hospitals providing free of cost testing and prevention. A skit on 'Antibiotic awareness' was performed emphasizing its use, dosage, prescription and antibiotic awareness to local people. An 'ANTI- DRUG ABUSE' camp was conducted. A short video was posted on social media and people were challenged to post their pics with the quote 'SAY NO THE FIRST TIME'. A rural campaign was organized underlining the importance of health and hygiene for children living in rural areas. A skit was performed to spread awareness about generic and branded medicines, their difference, efficacy, quality etc. to common people. Menstrual hygiene camp was carried out for women at underdeveloped and developed areas and made them aware about its importance, sanitization products, diseases, treatment and misconceptions.

In the year 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was difficult  to execute blood donation and health campaigns. However, considering the situation and valuing the significance of mental health, the committee organized an online mental health camp wherein people were encouraged to participate and submit their hobbies/ interests along with their experiences. Various quizzes were conducted aiming to spread information on certain topics. Online Lockdown health campaigns were conducted promoting mental and physical health and yoga sessions. A video was released explaining 'stages of vaccine development, manufacture and distribution' in simple words as a part of a community outreach program. World AIDS day was celebrated by communicating with transgender community which helped in better understanding about their experiences and important information. A video was released stressing the stigmas faced by people with HIV. Webinar was conducted on pharmacy profession regarding the information about its degree, job prospects, scope in India and abroad to students.

The PHO committee is focused on spreading awareness about health irrespective of the situation. No pandemic or lockdown is going to break down the zeal and passion of PHO volunteers who intend to create sensitiveness and awareness on various health related aspects. 

The PHO committee works on the mantra 



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