Sunday, January 31, 2021

Hygiene: The Key to Wholistic Health

According to World health organization (WHO), hygiene refers to conditions and practices that help to prevent the spread of diseases. The definition itself explains that hygiene maintenance helps us to keep away from diseases. Hygiene maintenance is essential part of day to day life and it also has great impact on our health as well as on environment. Good hygiene is key to prevent infection when wounds and skin irritations are present. Poor hygiene can result in dirt and other bacteria to enter and stay inside skin wounds, while good hygiene can ward off this bacteria to prevent infection.

Hygiene is not only limited to individual but also has a great impact on environment and community. There are different types of hygiene:

● Personal hygiene includes avoiding unsanitary habits and actions, wearing proper attire, etc.

● Environmental hygiene involves solid and liquid waste management, air pollution control, soil pollution control, etc.

● Occupational hygiene means safety and hygiene at workplace.

● Institutional hygiene involves communal hygiene in schools, hospitals, etc.

No matter what is type of hygiene, it's our prime responsibility to maintain personal as well as community hygiene. In India within 5 years nearly 1,00,000 diarrheic death of children occurred.

Poor hygiene impairs the health leading to high rates of malnutrition and productivity losses.

There are lot of diseases related to poor hygiene for example:

● Hot tub rash

● Chronic diarrhoea

● Pinworms

● Body lice

● Lymphatic filariasis

Though, there are many diseases but it is in our hands to prevent it by taking various precautions in our daily life. 

Some of them are:

● Frequent hand washing

● Avoid open defecation

● Proper solid and liquid waste management

● Conducting cleanliness drives and educational camps to promote hygiene among local people.

So, taking proper precautions will lead to healthy living. Indeed personal hygiene heals more than doctor's prescribed medicines.


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